William J. Kaplanidis
L.Ac., M.S., M.A
has dedicated his life to helping people find the insight and courage to transform their lives and move towards true freedom and happiness. The Acudragon® Wellness System is the name given to encompass the unique set of skills and various modalities employed by William to assist people to achieve their goals and find their own path in life.
William has helped thousands through his individual treatment sessions as well as through his many classes.
Individual sessions combine eastern modalities like acupuncture, acupressure, tui na, herbs, moxibustion, cupping with western mind-body therapies like the Sandlin Technique, hypnotherapy, counseling and aromatherapy.
William teaches workshops and lectures on the various modalities mentioned above in addition to T’ai Chi (Tai Ji) and Ch’i Gong (Qi Gong).