Upcoming events.

Evening Meditation
Enjoy incredible benefits of meditation with Kate Stone in this 1 hour evening session in the salt cave

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Evening Meditation
Enjoy incredible benefits of meditation with Kate Stone in this 1 hour evening session in the salt cave

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Sound Baths
October Soundbaths by SonoKinetic Rising
We come together once again to bathe in sound waves that empower, balance, and awaken. A truly transformative experience capped at 8 people, guided by the Sonokinetic Rising duet. 2 masterfully composed sessions are offered for Heart, Solar Plexus and Root chakras. They are truly exceptional sound healing experiences!
Sunday, Oct 20: 12 PM - Throat Chakra Easement
4 PM - Root Ecstatic Breathwork

Evening Meditation
Enjoy incredible benefits of meditation with Kate Stone in this 1 hour evening session in the salt cave

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Evening Meditation
Enjoy incredible benefits of meditation with Kate Stone in this 1 hour evening session in the salt cave

Evening Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Evening Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Evening Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

Lunchtime Meditation
Take a mental vacation for 30 min during your lunch break, get inspired and relaxed with Kate Stone

FOLLOW YOUR HEART: Acupuncture and sound meditation for the New Year
Step into the transformative embrace of the new year as we invite you to "Follow your Heart" - a unique and soul-nourishing experience designed to help you plant the seeds of intention, release blockages, and embrace the energy of change alongside a loving community.
We’ll begin the evening with an intention setting and Guided Journaling Practice to help you focus your aspirations and plant seeds for the year to come.
Then we’ll move into a soothing Sound Healing Meditation where you’ll be immersed in the soothing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, and other therapeutic instruments. The resonant frequencies will help you dissolve stress, and create a sacred space in your body and mind for healing and growth.
During the sound bath, you’ll receive an Acupuncture Treatment specifically focused on releasing energetic blockages, connecting you to your inner vision, and empowering you to make courageous decisions from a place of love over fear.
Hosts: Dr. Enensåauas Rastrygina & Lindsay Monal
Exchange: $99

Monthly Wellness Day - March
The Wellness Day at Esoterra is our way to make services more affordable and encourage the community to dedicate at least one day per month to caring for one’s body, mind and spirit. It is our wish and hope that others will also be inspired and join you, so we can spread the culture of preventative holistic healthcare with awareness about subtle imbalances on different levels.
Acupuncture 12-7 PM
Guided meditation 1 PM
VortexHealing® 5:30 PM
Access Consciousness 12-7 by Vanessa
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds from acupuncture and classes will be donated to Amma's, Nature Conservancy and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 7 people. Reiki - $45-60. Access Consciousness (Verbal Facilitation + Access Bars) $65-90.

May Sound Baths
February Soundbaths by SonoKinetic Rising
We come together once again to bathe in sound waves that empower, balance, and awaken. A truly transformative experience capped at 8 people, guided by the Sonokinetic Rising duet. 3 masterfully composed sessions are offered for Heart, Solar Plexus and Root chakras. They are truly exceptional sound healing experiences!
Sunday, Feb 25: 12 PM - Solar Plexus
4 PM - Heart Awakening

Monthly Wellness Day - February
The Wellness Day at Esoterra is our way to make services more affordable and encourage the community to dedicate at least one day per month to caring for one’s body, mind and spirit. It is our wish and hope that others will also be inspired and join you, so we can spread the culture of preventative holistic healthcare with awareness about subtle imbalances on different levels.
Acupuncture 12-7 PM
Guided meditation 1 PM
VortexHealing® 5:30 PM
Access Consciousness 12-7 by Vanessa
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds from acupuncture and classes will be donated to Amma's, Nature Conservancy and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 7 people. Reiki - $45-60. Access Consciousness (Verbal Facilitation + Access Bars) $65-90.

Monthly Wellness Day - January
The Wellness Day at Esoterra is our way to make services more affordable and encourage the community to dedicate at least one day per month to caring for one’s body, mind and spirit. It is our wish and hope that others will also be inspired and join you, so we can spread the culture of preventative holistic healthcare with awareness about subtle imbalances on different levels.
Acupuncture 12-7 PM
Guided meditation 1 PM
VortexHealing® 5:30 PM
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds from acupuncture and classes will be donated to Amma's, Nature Conservancy and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 7 people. Reiki - $45-60. Access Consciousness (Verbal Facilitation + Access Bars) $65-90.

Unlock Abundance
Ride the energy of the Dragon to Unlock Abundance in 2024!
This indoor retreat is designed to unlock energies that block the flow of abundance in your life with the help of acupuncture, qi gong, neurographic art, power of ritual and community.
The event is lead by 3 doctors of holistic medicine, who have walked the walk and talked the talk:
Enensaauas (founder of Esoterra, East Asian medicine, acupuncture), Menla (integrative health provider, naturopath),
& Aydan Suel (ayurveda, neurographic art)

Book Club
It's hard to believe that our journey through our current book, "The Wild Woman's Way: Reconnect To Your Body's Wisdom" by Michaela Boehm is nearing the end. Your unique perspectives and the diverse way we each connect with the text is what makes our book club so special.
Our next meeting will take place on Friday, Jan 12, at 6 pm via Zoom.
If you know of anyone else who shares our passion for literature and meaningful conversations, please feel free to invite them to our next meeting. The more perspectives we have, the richer our discussions become, and the more profound our insights grow.
Once again, thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. We feel truly blessed to have such an amazing group of women to share these literary adventures with.
Stephani & Enensaauas

Winter Solstice Meditation
Guided winter solstice meditation to plant seeds of your dreams and goals for 2024

Book Club
It's hard to believe that our journey through chapters 4-6 of our current book, "The Wild Woman's Way: Reconnect To Your Body's Wisdom" by Michaela Boehm has just begun, and we can't wait to continue exploring its depths with each of you. Your unique perspectives and the diverse way we each connect with the text is what makes our book club so special.
Our next meeting will take place on Friday, Dec 1, at 6 pm via Zoom.
For those who prefer the convenience of joining us virtually, our Zoom link will remain the same, ensuring that distance won't hinder our connections. We've got a lot to look forward to in the coming chapters, and I can't wait to see where our discussions will take us.
If you know of anyone else who shares our passion for literature and meaningful conversations, please feel free to invite them to our next meeting. The more perspectives we have, the richer our discussions become, and the more profound our insights grow.
Once again, thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. We feel truly blessed to have such an amazing group of women to share these literary adventures with.
Stephani & Enensaauas

Divine Pop-Up
By the healers for the healers
This gathering is to support wellness professionals with whatever current challenges we are facing, share resources, provide emotional support, exchanges, ideas, etc.
Email e@esoterra.com to RSVP

Monthly Wellness Day - November
The Wellness Day at Esoterra is our way to make services more affordable and encourage the community to dedicate at least one day per month to caring for one’s body, mind and spirit. It is our wish and hope that others will also be inspired and join you, so we can spread the culture of preventative holistic healthcare with awareness about subtle imbalances on different levels.
Acupuncture 12-7 PM
Guided meditation 1 PM
VortexHealing® 5:30 PM
Reiki 12-7 PM by Myra
Access Consciousness 12-7 by Vanessa
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds from acupuncture and classes will be donated to Amma's and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 7 people. Reiki - $45-60. Access Consciousness (Verbal Facilitation + Access Bars) $65-90.

Divine Pop-Up
Divine Pop-Up is a wellness professionals gathering to support each other on the journey of balancing entrepreneurship & healing work.
This time we will be doing it potluck style, with some yummy food from a gifted chef. If you can please bring something filled with prana/Qi/life-force, organic if possible, and minimally processed.
You can also join us via GoogleMeet. RSVP by sending an email to e@esoterra.com with the subject Divine Pop-Up.

Monthly Wellness Day - October
This Wellness Day aka Community Clinic at Esoterra we are happy to present you with more choices and guest practitioners.
Acupunture 3-7 PM
Guided meditation 4 PM
Vortexhealing® 5:30 PM
Reiki 12-7 PM by Myra
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds will be donated to Amma's and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 6 people. Reiki - $45-60.

Monthly Wellness Day - September
This Wellness Day aka Community Clinic at Esoterra we are happy to present you with more choices and guest practitioners.
Acupunture 3 - 7 PM
Guided meditation 4 PM
Vortexhealing® 5:30 PM
Reiki 12-6 PM by Myra
Free 15 min Salt Cave session
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds will be donated to Amma's and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 6 people. Reiki - $45-60.

Monthly Wellness Day - August
This Wellness Day aka Community Clinic at Esoterra we are happy to present you with more choices and guest practitioners. August Wellness Day will introduce one more amazing practitioner, Myra, whose healing hands will provide reiki.
Acupunture 12-6 PM
Guided meditation 1 PM
Vortexhealing® 1:30 PM
Reiki 12-6 PM
Walk-ins are welcome, especially for group classes in the salt cave. For a specific time or provider it is best to schedule ahead of time. Email e@esoterra.com to book your appointment.
We are proud to offer these services at a sliding scale and more affordable price-point. Half of all proceeds will be donated to Amma's and other charities.
Acupuncture is offered at a $75-100 sliding scale for full-length private sessions. Salt cave small group sessions - $20-35 capped at 6 people. Reiki - $45-60.