acupuncture | massage | salt therapy | infra-red sauna | energy healing | coaching

There is no growth without pain of some sort. We are here to help you turn it into possibilities, and get better at it each time.
Dr. Enensåauas Rastrygina DAc, LAc, LMT
Enensaauas Rastrygina earned a Doctorate in Acupuncture from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She established her private practice in Midtown New York City and founded Esoterra in 2018. Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by many, is passionate about helping people turn all sorts of pain into possibilities. She encourages people to realize that a wellness lifestyle makes sense, can be very enjoyable, and will result in more energy, and long and fulfilling life. She believes you can have it all, just not at the same time and not without work.
Enensaauas studied Esoteric Acupuncture with Dr. Mikio Sankey, Classical Acupuncture as taught by Jeffrey Yuen, Cranio-Sacral Therapy through Upledger Institute, and is now pursuing the VortexHealing® studies. Her self-care routine includes Hata yoga practices as taught by Sadhguru.
Dr. E is also a proud mom of three lovely boys. She loves all creative activities/art and always tries to find an opportunity for a joke to share a good laugh. She is an incorrigible optimist and a student of life.